When Sex Ruined Me

Doomed to Chasing the Dragon’s Tail

Tisha Dee✨
2 min readJan 9, 2024
Photo by Gabriel Matula on Unsplash

He radiated intensity. His energy seared through the narrow space between us as we stood in the threshold of my doorway, a moment frozen in time. A simple greeting turned electrifying. Without moving, without words, without touch he sent shockwaves through my body and soul, igniting fires lain dormant for a lifetime.

I could sense his heartbeat and breathe all at once as he stood there. His entire being pulsated with primal energy. It was as if this moment had always existed, and nothing else ever had. I could feel him like I had never felt anyone. Like our bodies had been born to meet.

And I loved the way we held silence. The way we existed in a realm just beyond. A place where there was no need for words or to fill empty spaces. Where awkward had never even been born and everything that mattered was already known and felt in the marrow of your soul.

His blue eyes mouthed suppressed truths and held mine transfixed. I had never been more alive than in that moment there with him. I could feel the whole room breathe with us, the walls pulling in with each inhale and falling back with each exhale. Every fiber of my being had been lit aflame.

And there, in that small moment shoved in between, before we had ever touched, or kissed — I knew I would never be



Tisha Dee✨

I’m in the middle of reinventing myself, living life full of possibilities and on my own terms. Former corporate executive, turned full-time college student.