Life Lessons

Bridges to Nowhere

The Space Between Love and Potential

Tisha Dee✨
5 min readDec 31, 2023


Photo by Jørgen Larsen | Pexels

Part I: The Husband

Downcast eyes. Breath held.
His breath warmed my hand as he kissed it and whispered that I was too good for him. I should have listened. Not because he was right, as he wasn’t. But because he believed he was.

Unworthiness draped like gilded tapestries in the house of marriage.
In the evening he roared petulance in three-day-old underwear that sagged from his self-loathing. Years exchanged, with my dreams bound to the psychic debris that encased his feet. He was trapped within the limits of his mind and his limits became mine. The light of dawn showed that limitations of belief cannot be traded for love.

Hand outstretched. Feeble steps forward.
Distorted reflections leave the bridge between love and potential unsupported. I heard its ailing croakings underfoot. Its decrepitness became my own as I clung to hope.

Suddenly I was alone on the bridge.

I stared at the shore and contemplated my escape, and I saw myself standing there looking back at me on the bridge, my eyes locked with hers. She began to scream truths we would have preferred to deny. Truths that…



Tisha Dee✨

I’m in the middle of reinventing myself, living life full of possibilities and on my own terms. Former corporate executive, turned full-time college student.